
About Us


EnergyOne is focused on providing renewable energy services and solutions to communities that have a positive impact on the environment and help to lower energy costs. We put our customers first to make sure that clean energy is accessible to everyone, especially those who are the most vulnerable in the face of climate change. We work alongside our local communities to make clean renewable energy economically available as a preferred energy choice.

EnergyOne is committed to creating sustainable energy communities. Our community of clients include residents, businesses, non-profits, and government entities.

EnergyOne provides various services that provide access to clean and renewable energy solutions for its community of clients.

Our Suite of Services Include:

  • Energy Consulting
  • Renewable Energy Aggregation
  • Utility Tariff and Rate Consulting
  • Conservation Services
  • Client Subscription and Management Services
    • Community Solar
    • Renewable Energy Projects
    • Remote Net Metering/PPA/Virtual PPA
    • Alternative Energy Projects

Community Solar

We Love Our Community!


Climate change impacts everyone, especially the most vulnerable, so everyone needs to be involved in the solution. We all need to be part of the clean energy revolution sweeping the nation. Clean energy shouldn’t just be for the select few. Community solar finally makes clean energy available to anybody who pays their electric bill. That’s the way it should be. It’s only fair.

Our business model advances local solar energy by putting the power in the hands of those that use electricity. We’re disruptive of the old system where ratepayers can only be the recipients of decisions by others. With us, you and your neighbors are actively promoting positive development in your area. You are consciously choosing local clean energy over outdated forms of energy. We believe that grassroots and community organizing can take a big role in planning for a more sustainable and just future.

Get In Touch With Us

Speak with a Community Solar Ambassador today to see how we can help you save money and reduce your energy costs.

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